those were the days

Those were the days.

Reminiscing childhood life, days were carefree. Mess was encouraged, faults were forgiven. Despite told what not to do, imagination was spree. Those were the days, almost forgotten. . . . Reflecting today, bound by commitments. Problems are not to play,…

Blogging is not writing.

A newsletter came in today. It talks about the proliferation of blogs in recent years and why they failed in a short span of time. Intrigued, mainly because my blog hasn’t been very successful since 2018. I envy those blogs…

On the edge.

Why are we afraid of expressing what we think or feel? Unmasking our true self is one of the hardest thing to do. Simply because we are concern about how others may perceive, react or judge on what we think…

Fear of judgement.

Have you ever thought of writing something and eventually wrote nothing about it? A couple of thoughts came through my mind this week. They could be something worthy to write about. Somehow, I missed them due to fear of judgement.…

Ain’t no mountain high enough.

Work has always been on the forefront since I left tertiary. Work to live or live to work, I no longer could tell the difference. Coming from Asia where only hard work pays, self-development is key to compete with the…

Start writing.

I want to start writing everyday. When I woke up this morning, my first thought was about my deserted blog. I started my writing journey in 2018 with this blog. I used to write up to 3 posts in a…


Notebooking or journaling as some may call it, is making a comeback. Thanks to hectic lifestyle with no distinct line between work and home. Many have started prioritising mental health by allocating some down time for mindfulness practices. There are…

Finding myself.

Have you ever craved for an opportunity and when that opportunity appears right in front of you, you just didn’t know what to do with it? For over a decade, I’ve been longing for a well deserved break as a…

Nature Capture

“What a strange thing! to be alive beneath cherry blossoms.” —Kobayashi Issa

Am I writing enough?

It has been three years since Frames of Life Blog was established. At the beginning, I was disciplined and assertive in writing three to four posts per week. A commitment I made to myself, website was buzzing, and momentum was…