Fear of judgement.

Have you ever thought of writing something and eventually wrote nothing about it? A couple of thoughts came through my mind this week. They could be something worthy to write about. Somehow, I missed them due to fear of judgement.…

Writing marathon.

Restarting my momentum in writing, I decided to throw a writing marathon on myself this week as a challenge. One post a day, can I make it? “What should I write about today?” and “Where do I begin?” are the…

Start writing.

I want to start writing everyday. When I woke up this morning, my first thought was about my deserted blog. I started my writing journey in 2018 with this blog. I used to write up to 3 posts in a…

We all started from somewhere.

Not everyone is born a genius. Everyone has got to start from somewhere. Although there are many writers who became successful at young age, there are also some who didn’t get famous until they’re in their mid-30s or more. J.K.…

The writer who got famous.

Not everyone is born a genius. Everyone has got to start from somewhere. Although there are many writers who became successful at young age, there are also some who didn’t get famous until they’re in their mid-30s or more. J.K.…