Jen Eu - About

Motto of 2019.

10 days to 2020. 19,530 words written excluding this piece. This year, I have taken the “go for it” approach. Ambitious with big dreams yet laying low, feeding my knowledge hunger through observing and active listening to others, as much…

How much better we can be?

Often we are caught in the paradox of how good we are to what we can possibly achieved. Convincing ourselves on how good we are and yet not downplaying competition are complex balances to manage. Self-generated positive belief is necessary…
then and now

Then and now.

It was just by luck I randomly picked up a drama series advertised on television and instantly got hooked. I started searching on the line of casts when I came across a short interesting video. It was a short clip…

Lake Capture

“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?” – Charles Bukowski Photo by: chefswifediary

Reset to succeed.

Life is a long learning journey. It was one of those days when I felt downcasted over nitty gritty at work. Like a dwarf leaping endlessly to score a voice in a sulky boardroom filled with ‘me-first‘ audiences. Frustrated and…

If not now, then when?

Unhooked all clothes from wardrobe, I squashed them into three big sacks. The rest, I placed them into boxes. “Not much, thankfully.” Few rounds of rushes, I squeezed them in my ‘little local beetle‘ ride. Didn’t take much effort for an…

Reflect and learn.

Purple sky, purple sea. Is this an outcome of the sky’s reflection, or the other? Who we are today is primarily a consequence of our own decisions and actions. Whilst we are susceptible to conditions that are beyond our control,…

What would you say about laziness?

Spotted a woman at the gym who just completed her workout. She then made a phone call – specifically to instruct her helper in cleaning up her workout mess. This includes rolling up used mat and placing dumbbells back on…


It was three months ago since I last saw you. Humorously, you made jokes out of serious moments we used to experience. We didn’t know why we laughed – They were not that funny before. Today, they are snippets of archives…

The Lazy Elixir

If you have come across articles about reducing working hours, promoting flexible working hours, or any initiatives to drive productivity and convenience at work, they are not new news. In fact, some of these initiatives are considered initially to assist…