appreciation, two way

Take for granted.

‘Take for granted’ is an easy phrase and it is also an easy action to take. According to Collins’ English Dictionary, it means to take advantage of without due appreciation. We witness this in our daily life but was not…

Passion, do you have it?

Passion, we either have it or we don’t. There is no grey line. Pass by the same entrance everyday, today is one of those days when I stopped to deliberately observe the regular signage pinned on the wall next to…


Years gone, Still waiting. Not picky, Just chemistry.   Four seasons a year on pace, Yet only a month that cherry blossoms surface. People find it’s worth the wait, All to cherish the beauty that lies ahead. In a sea…
love me hate me

Love me or hate me.

A competitive world. Add social and political complexities into the equation, we’ll get people who adore us, and people who loathe us. Far-fetching personal and professional goals are strenuous enough. Focus is all we need to get there. Yet, it’s…

Connecting your Past and Future.

Admiring her talented neighbour who played the piano gracefully, she could only imagine herself on the bench someday. Fortunately, her neighbour was then her best friend of same age. Almost every afternoon after school, she would rush home and head…

Happy International Women’s Day

To be seen, to be heard, to be considered. The yearn for a voice to be heard in a kingdom of men, to be seen in a boardroom dominated by male delegates, and to be considered among sea of talents…
The Love Birds, iPad Pencil Sketching

I miss him.

I woke up this morning, crawled my left hand to the left side of the bed, to feel if he’s there. “Not there. Isn’t it Sunday yet?” I must be dreaming. As usual, he’s up earlier than me. I got…
Tanjong Beach, Singapore

How far does fame bring me?

First day of fame, it feels amazing. People love me. People adore me. People want a piece of me. Because I am being the perfect me. I didn’t want it to stop. Fame is addictive and it’s a lot of…

When we stop looking at what’s real around us.

I log on to Instagram every now and then, looking for inspiration. It tickles me sometimes, and I salute people who spend extra hours beautifying pictures to be showcased to the world. It’s a full time job to create inspiration…

Going Deep

Life is crafted when she was born Follow the flow is what she’s taught For many years she never question the wrongs All that she knows is to do the norms Society is surprising, oh yes she knows Because people…