
Say Hi!

It’s the last month of 2019. A remarkable journey, landed at 100th post a few days ago. What’s more, writing is no longer a burden but a part of life. Nevertheless, writing would be meaningless without my fellow readers’ support.…

The best motivator.

When we’re young, accomplishment grants us applauses from people before us. Praises make us feel good; praises make us proud. As we grow older, compliments rarely come by. Does it mean that we no longer excel in what we do?…

How much better we can be?

Often we are caught in the paradox of how good we are to what we can possibly achieved. Convincing ourselves on how good we are and yet not downplaying competition are complex balances to manage. Self-generated positive belief is necessary…
then and now

Then and now.

It was just by luck I randomly picked up a drama series advertised on television and instantly got hooked. I started searching on the line of casts when I came across a short interesting video. It was a short clip…

Reading others’ blog.

Utilising blog as venue to express our thoughts to the world is pretty common. Synthesising thoughts into words so that they don’t miggle in our brain for too long, storing write ups for future read and reread, and learning lessons…

Reflect and learn.

Purple sky, purple sea. Is this an outcome of the sky’s reflection, or the other? Who we are today is primarily a consequence of our own decisions and actions. Whilst we are susceptible to conditions that are beyond our control,…
passion & purpose

What’s your purpose?

A short animated film that garnered up to 79 million viewers on YouTube published by Southeastern Guide Dogs organisation, this video highlights how their dogs save the day, everyday for people with vision loss, and veterans with disabilities. If you…

Starting from somewhere.

Challenges remained a mystery until we encounter them. We are intrigued by how capable they are in shaping us. Precious learning derives from individual experience, especially those that come with heightened difficulties. It’s when we fall hard that we learn…

Accept im[p]erfection.

We are taught to be the best for it has more to offer. Praises and rewards come along when we succeed, and none when we fail. The classic conditioning phase is exactly what perfectionists go through every single day, ie:…

The Petite Calculation

Feeling inadequate, fear of judgement from others, desperate to win attention, constant need to prove superiority, the need to win, ego addiction …… Can you relate these with any one within your circle of acquaintances? Take a step back to…