do it

Don’t quit.

How many times we’ve stumbled  upon hurdles before we call it a quit? Or have we misinterpreted “hurdles“? More often than not, we think we’ve got everything figured out, just to be let down by occasional disconnections between plan and…


A couple days ago, a blogger commented on how well the last concluding statement was put in Courage is in us. It means a lot to me as a new writer. To share this little milestone, here it is. “Boldly,…
Jen Eu - About

Motto of 2019.

10 days to 2020. 19,530 words written excluding this piece. This year, I have taken the “go for it” approach. Ambitious with big dreams yet laying low, feeding my knowledge hunger through observing and active listening to others, as much…
look up

Trophy love.

The ones who truly wanted were not given. The ones who never did were flooded with praises. It was once a trophy for it was an effort. It is now worthless for it is a haggle.   Beauty lies in…

Weekend Capture

“There is always time for a cuppa tea. Happy Sunday.” Photo by chefswifediary

All she wanted.

A letter was handed to her that morning. Expecting nothing less, she frazzled the envelope and started running through the content, line by line. Reflecting the rocky roads over the past two years, it was a big piece of work.…

The best motivator.

When we’re young, accomplishment grants us applauses from people before us. Praises make us feel good; praises make us proud. As we grow older, compliments rarely come by. Does it mean that we no longer excel in what we do?…

Ocean Capture

“An ocean breeze puts a mind at ease.” – Anonymous Photo by chefswifediary

Journey to wisdom.

Breath of wild green fields, linearly meet the bright blue sky. In the horizon future is calling, courageous soldiers it hopes to charm.   A journey that may take decades, not one tad they look afraid. As bold as brass…
road to wisdom

Road to wisdom.

Breath of wild green fields, linearly meet the bright blue sky. In the horizon future is calling, courageous soldiers it hopes to charm.   A journey that may take decades, not one tad they look afraid. As bold as brass…