
How much better we can be?

Often we are caught in the paradox of how good we are to what we can possibly achieved. Convincing ourselves on how good we are and yet not downplaying competition are complex balances to manage. Self-generated positive belief is necessary…

Shore Capture

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”― Ronald E. Osborn Photo by chefswifediary
then and now

Then and now.

It was just by luck I randomly picked up a drama series advertised on television and instantly got hooked. I started searching on the line of casts when I came across a short interesting video. It was a short clip…

Expect nothing.

It is quite common to easily sucked into realm of negativity just by one bad experience. Perhaps the second experience was not as bad, but subconsciously we find all reasons to justify how bad it was. Then comes the third,…

Making the impossible possible.

The constant bickering about what’s right and wrong, I no longer bother. I said it a hundred times, but yet it still matters. Why countless time was spent justifying decisions we’ve made? After all our instinct tells us to “just go…

Reset to succeed.

Life is a long learning journey. It was one of those days when I felt downcasted over nitty gritty at work. Like a dwarf leaping endlessly to score a voice in a sulky boardroom filled with ‘me-first‘ audiences. Frustrated and…

The meaning of success.

Growing up in a competitive world, it’s difficult to decide when to call success a success. Often we hear success comes mostly from hard work, and probably ten percent comes from luck. Parents put their hard earned funds in financing…
keep going

Keep going.

When we were young, parents encouraged us to take baby steps in any possible encounter. Be it to sit, to crawl, to stand, to eat, to play, or to speak – we attempted them all  with courage. Parents gave us…

Passion, do you have it?

Passion, we either have it or we don’t. There is no grey line. Pass by the same entrance everyday, today is one of those days when I stopped to deliberately observe the regular signage pinned on the wall next to…
one in a million

One in a million.

Living 18 years under parents supervision (some even more), we are taught there are only few ways in approaching life. Approaches that are safe, proven by the experienced from their experiences, and…nothing could go wrong if we follow the similar…