Chasing a childhood dream.

An old fashioned hi-fi radio player sat in the hallway next to a pile of expired newspapers. Dad played it every weekday at 7 pm as soon as he returned from work in his beige uniform. It was the Mandarin…

I can go a distance.

Just a couple of hours ago, The Independent UK published that Captain Tom Moore has raised more than £21M in donations for NHS – how extraordinary! For his 100th birthday, the Second World War veteran pledged to complete 100 lengths…

Learning the hard way.

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” – Friedrich Nietzsche. Attributed to the German philosopher, this quote is probably one of the most effective motivational quotes of all time. Not everyone is born with a golden spoon. Perhaps it’s best…

We all started from somewhere.

Not everyone is born a genius. Everyone has got to start from somewhere. Although there are many writers who became successful at young age, there are also some who didn’t get famous until they’re in their mid-30s or more. J.K.…

How much better we can be?

Often we are caught in the paradox of how good we are to what we can possibly achieved. Convincing ourselves on how good we are and yet not downplaying competition are complex balances to manage. Self-generated positive belief is necessary…

Courage is in us.

The life we see of others, are they real? More often than not, there is tendency in us to worship others, for others own what we don’t. Silently, we whisper in our mind, “If only I have it too.” But…

The meaning of success.

Growing up in a competitive world, it’s difficult to decide when to call success a success. Often we hear success comes mostly from hard work, and probably ten percent comes from luck. Parents put their hard earned funds in financing…
keep going

Keep going.

When we were young, parents encouraged us to take baby steps in any possible encounter. Be it to sit, to crawl, to stand, to eat, to play, or to speak – we attempted them all  with courage. Parents gave us…
back on track

Satisfaction that counts.

After weeks of being under the weather, I finally set my foot back on the treadmill this morning. Snoozing thrice from 7am to 7.10am to 7.20am across two mobile phones, kicking myself up involved putting an end to the last…
one in a million

One in a million.

Living 18 years under parents supervision (some even more), we are taught there are only few ways in approaching life. Approaches that are safe, proven by the experienced from their experiences, and…nothing could go wrong if we follow the similar…