all is well

All is well.

Here we are at the beginning of February. How is it like for you so far? I started the year with ‘all is well‘ motto. After all, this is what we strive to achieve everyday. With Chinese New Year celebration…

Journaling my week.

What a week?! Just as my employer increases from two to three work-days a week this week, the tube went on strike. It was my first ever tube strike experience. On Tuesday, I spent almost 2 hours on a bus…

Cherishing rainbow after rain.

Since February, we were put into the unknown. For the very first time, we discussed about back-up plans for “what if…” with loved ones. Uncertainty, anxiety, and concerns were easily spelled on faces. Paranoid over worst case scenarios we could…

Old is the new new.

Radio, typewriter, cassettes, rotary dial phone – What do they remind you of? Overwhelmed by digitization, how about taking a few moment to reflect the previous world we used to live in? Go back to the era when they all…

A letter from Red Leaf.

Dear Sunshine,   Despite powerful, you’re calm. You’re an equal provider, for all the livings. Because of you, I’m here. Because of you, people see us. Because of you, the sky boasts beautiful colors. Because of you, we shine back…


A couple days ago, a blogger commented on how well the last concluding statement was put in Courage is in us. It means a lot to me as a new writer. To share this little milestone, here it is. “Boldly,…

All she wanted.

A letter was handed to her that morning. Expecting nothing less, she frazzled the envelope and started running through the content, line by line. Reflecting the rocky roads over the past two years, it was a big piece of work.…

Say Hi!

It’s the last month of 2019. A remarkable journey, landed at 100th post a few days ago. What’s more, writing is no longer a burden but a part of life. Nevertheless, writing would be meaningless without my fellow readers’ support.…

The survivors.

Graceful school of fish, swimming like there is no boundary. A decent and spacious place, fairly basics to keep them roaming.   Similar route, alike pebbles, familiar mates, observers can only tell but not tenants. No sign of whining, no…

Appreciating others stories.

Two years of waiting is rock tough. Not that we didn’t try, we lost count of tries. Every month we hit the reset button, looking forward to new hopes and dreams. It would be impossible to make others understand. Such…