Chasing a childhood dream.

An old fashioned hi-fi radio player sat in the hallway next to a pile of expired newspapers. Dad played it every weekday at 7 pm as soon as he returned from work in his beige uniform. It was the Mandarin…

Morning X.

Morning sun rises, with pride and confidence. Dawn chorus is heard, as Robins defend their territory. Sleepy snail grapples, for extra minutes. Dragging his muscular foot, to begin the day. Photo by chefswifediary

Reigniting cultural values.

Three months prior to landing on a far-away foreign soil, I was talked into revisiting Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, a framework for cross-cultural communication developed by Geert Hofstede. Being a pragmatic person, I’ve long cold-stored learning from University days. Not…

I forgot how it was like.

182 days has passed. I forgot how it was like. Waking up in a concrete world, when peeping on neighbour was just a window away. I forgot how it was like. Living on a land that was expensively scarce, when…

The good old days.

A kite made of plastic bag. Its shape was nothing like a kite. It was just a plastic bag tied to a long raffia string. It didn’t consume much effort and wide space to fly it. In an instance, it…

Landscape Capture

“Ô, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth.” – Roman Payne Photo by chefswifediary

The wildflowers.

Puffy clouds vaguely gather above horizon, hinder roaring sun from reaching ground. Wildflowers spread out in bouquet across meadow, proudly stand out against the gloom. Photo by chefswifediary

Cherishing rainbow after rain.

Since February, we were put into the unknown. For the very first time, we discussed about back-up plans for “what if…” with loved ones. Uncertainty, anxiety, and concerns were easily spelled on faces. Paranoid over worst case scenarios we could…

Simple buckwheat loaf.

Joint collaboration with Mr. Chef Mr. Chef has been making bread at home since February and he is determined not to stop just because of a diet mission.  We enjoy bread very much for breakfast. I like it with jam spread…

Bitter chocolate sirt-tart.

Joint collaboration with Mr. Chef Mr. Chef and I love sweet things. By treating ourselves with dessert everyday, it feels like we are not on a diet. We had 2 weeks of sirt-chocolate cake, a change is like a welcome treat!…