Navigating My Child’s Separation Anxiety: A Personal Journey

When my little one started showing signs of separation anxiety, it felt like a storm brewing on the horizon—something I knew was coming but wasn’t fully prepared for. I remember the first time I had to leave her at nursery.…

Blaming others for own shortcomings.

Reflecting on my learning journey, I am reminded of numerous occasions where blaming others or external factors seemed more palatable than confronting my own shortcomings. Whether it was a professional endeavor that faltered or a personal aspiration that fell short,…
parenthood, parenting

Things they don’t tell you about parenthood.

Parenthood has been a journey filled with unexpected challenges and joys. There are things they don’t tell you about parenthood. Emotional Complexity When I became a parent, I was overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions. I was so focused in…
Kumon Mathematics

Catching up with my toddler.

If you have been following my blog, you will see that my recent posts are related to chapters of motherhood. Yes, I’m on maternity leave since November 2023. What else I could be writing? As my newborn is coming to…

Change is scary but inevitable.

When I moved to London four years ago, I took a step back in my career including a pay cut and a smaller role within my existing organisation just to get by. The idea was to dedicate my effort in…

I am truly blessed!

6.35am, she is not awake yet. Surprised by my little pumpkin’s recent early-rise punctuality has changed. I didn’t have a smooth sleep last night, few were disrupted by her nightmares. Funny enough, I wouldn’t be bothered as much prior to…
an award winning story

An award-winning story.

When was the last time you did something that scared you? I did it last week. The Chartered Management Institute announced that the application for Chartered Manager of the Year is now open. My first thought was to apply. Then,…
all is well

All is well.

Here we are at the beginning of February. How is it like for you so far? I started the year with ‘all is well‘ motto. After all, this is what we strive to achieve everyday. With Chinese New Year celebration…

First week of 2023.

I am in two minds about reflecting 2022. In the end, I gave up indecisiveness and decided to reflect anyway. Besides, how many chances do we have to write something meaningful in the first week of 2023? First week of…
start writing again

Start writing again.

Is it time for self reflection yet? Initially, I am so over about doing self-reflection. Motherhood got me stuck in a daily set of routine that I turned self-reflection into thoughts that touch and go from my mind. Honestly, I…