Life is (not) that simple.

It’s mid-June and I’m feeling overwhelmed with the amount of items on my to-do-list. Have I been the main culprit behind this? How much more can I cutback to simplify life?

Life is simple

Life is simple when there is just me. However, there isn’t any meaning if there is only me. My spouse came along and filled my voids. We created a home together and further enhanced our lives with two little rainbows. So now, there are four of us.


Centuries ago, people live in caves. They hunt when they need to eat. They mate where ever and whenever just like animals. The main difference are that human comes in better form and remarkably clever. Human creatively invent things that are supposed to improvise lives. Instead, these inventions equally come with burdens that eventually we need system and organisation to counter them. So here we are, a good legal system with 100 pages long policy to decipher for any action we take. Try thinking of an important occasion when we try to do something without paperwork. Even surfing internet comes with privacy policy which many overlook. Who has the patience when curiosity takes the lead?

Help is overrated

What help do we need? No doubt, physical help weighs more than verbal help. With so much noise and information out there, does talking helps? Once I had trouble breastfeeding my firstborn, the health visitor gave me a phone number to call. I was expecting a visit from a breastfeeding professional to guide me. Instead, it was just someone to talk me through breastfeeding on the phone. Is this a joke?! In another incident when I faced some trouble as a leaseholder. I made an appointment to speak with someone from the leaseholder helpline. From that appointment, I was given more homework with recommended website links to read and decide on my own. What difference does it make for something I have googled myself?

All in all

Life is not that simple. With the way things work these days amplify complexities. From renting to buying a home to sending toddler to school comes with various struggles. I will struggle with skyrocketing rent. Even renting requires tenancy protection these days. Likewise, I will also struggle with unreliable traders to maintain own home. Life is full of twist and turn. There are so many assessment and consideration required just to get things going. These are not work but “needed” paperwork for things to get going in life. The last help I need is for someone to waste time talking me through to-do list instead of really helping. How can we make life simpler?

life is simple

Photo by Nathan Dumlao

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