The power of influence in childhood years.

Ever wonder who we are today have a lot to do with our childhood years? Childhood is a magical time, full of wonder and exploration. It’s also a critical period when the power of influence plays a significant role in shaping who we become. The influences we encounter during these early years, regardless of positive or negative, can have long-lasting effects on our behaviour, values, and outlook on life.

Family: The First Influencers

Our family members are typically our first and most impactful influencers. From the moment we’re born, we look up to our parents, siblings, and even extended family for guidance. The way they talk, the values they hold, and their everyday actions set the stage for how we perceive the world. I can vividly remember my childhood days with my grandpa. The meaningful hardship he’s been through made me appreciate the value of passion and perseverance. He saw me as a child who equally deserves education opportunity to grow and develop just like anyone else.

Friends and Peers: The Social Circle

Children social circles expand to include friends and peers as they grow older. These relationships are crucial as they provide a sense of belonging and help children develop social skills. To fit in is easier said than done. Honestly, I find it daunting when blended with new group of strangers. I had to reach out with effort for cliques to accept me during primary school years. During secondary school years, I was nowhere near upper class science kids. The smartest in class kept conversation brief unless I have a finer brain. I felt inferior among rich kids when enrolled into private college. During university days, I regret for not polishing English as second language to compete with native speakers abroad. I can only feel for my daughter who is soon joining reception in 2025. It’s easy to join a good school, but to fit in depends on one adaptability. Friends can be a source of support, fun, and learning. However, peer pressure can also be a double-edged sword.

Teachers and Mentors: Guides and Role Models

Teachers and mentors are another significant influence during childhood. A great teacher can inspire a love of learning, boost self-esteem, and help children discover their passions. They serve as role models, demonstrating the importance of education, hard work, and perseverance. While my mother has always been my greatest inspiration, I must thank my one and only mentor who relentlessly groomed me when I first started my career ladder. She put my focus, tolerance, and determination to test, and made my learning curve steep. I find these experiences gained rewarding especially coming from a highly inspiring mentor. She made me learned that the key to big success comes from equal attention paid to the smaller details.

Media and Technology: The Digital Age Influencers

In today’s digital age, media and technology have become powerful influencers. We are exposed to a vast array of information through TV shows, movies, video games, and the internet. While there are many educational and positive influences available, there are also risks associated with them. Subconsciously, digital influence has become a part of life. I mean, don’t you agree that sometimes we feel worse after logging on Instagram? The perfect world painted on social media can affect how we feel about ourselves, an added layer of pressure which we don’t need. Digital influence has the capability to make us feel insecure and distance us from reality. Imagine what can they potentially do to our children?

The Community: A Broader Network

The community in which we grow up also has a profound impact. This includes neighbours, community leaders, and the cultural environment. When I tell someone about my Klang town origin, many associate with Bak Kut Teh, a traditional dish that was invented in this town. People who are born in this town is also known to be food enthusiasts. We greet each other with “have you eaten yet?” or “where to eat?” When I just arrived in the UK, I realised people do judge based on where you live. For instance, they can tell vaguely if you are a rough, posh, or average person based on your community background. In short, where you are from or live says a lot about you.

The Lasting Impact

The influences we encounter in childhood lay the groundwork for our adult lives. Positive influences can lead to well-rounded, confident individuals who contribute positively to society. Negative influences can result in a range of issues, from low self-esteem to behavioural problems. These are not something we can control for our children but it’s crucial for us to be mindful of the powerful role they play in shaping the next generation.

In conclusion, the power of influence during childhood years cannot be underestimated. It is a time when the foundation of our character is built, and the lessons we learn shape our future. By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, we can help children grow into happy, healthy, and successful adults. So, let’s all strive to be the best influencers we can be for the sake of our future generation.

Photograph by Time Out Kuala Lumpur

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