All is well.

Here we are at the beginning of February. How is it like for you so far? I started the year with ‘all is well‘ motto. After all, this is what we strive to achieve everyday. With Chinese New Year celebration in January, kick-starting the year with a positive note means even more. Missing this celebration in home country for the fourth consecutive year is not something I wish to brag about. However, this experience taught me to appreciate time spent with loved ones even more and look into all possible ways to make this celebration meaningful and special. ‘All is well‘ sets everything straight.

After three years of not seeing my dad, I wasn’t sure what to expect with my trip back to Asia. It was the first time my dad finally get to meet my little one. I had anxiety and days full of anticipation prior to departure. Would it be an emotional one? Would it be a surprising experience going back with a little human and meeting friends and relatives after so many years? What has changed? Can little one deciphers her new surrounding?

My little girl’s first experience on a plane for over 22 hours with 2 transit points was daunting for me. Transited in Seoul and Singapore before our last stop, Malaysia, Korean Airline was remarkable. Despite reading all sort of tips in managing a toddler on board, nothing beat Korean Airline’s flight attendants who provided 10-15 minutes crèche service just so we earned some good sleep. Little girl was given complimentary seat at some part of the journey. Lucky us, it was an overall pleasant journey with slight challenge after all. I am pleased.

Little One on Korean Airline

Officially became grandparents for the first time for my mom and dad, they were paranoid in every stunt little girl made. I was told off many times and I find myself questioning if I am a good mother. We neither have cot nor staircase barriers back home. Worries and fears both haunted me. It is so easy to fall into bad thoughts and think of the worst case scenario. Thank goodness I didn’t because all will be well, eventually.

A thought that I kept in mind, the last thing I want is to ruin precious 2-weeks holiday trip over silly made-up thoughts. Instead, I took one step at a time, managed challenges as they come. For instance, no cot is an opportunity to prepare my little one for big bed. No staircase barriers can only mean more training for my little one and more workout for me chasing after her. Besides, I need to burn with back to back eating agenda in Asia. Worries are the most energy-consuming useless burden we can keep. Therefore, I thank full-on daily activities that released my mind from unnecessary worries.

With my parents revenge nags, I took them as their missed-hobby since I left Asia. Honestly, I missed their nags too. So, why not? It’s a sign of love, so they say. They are indeed proud parents and grandparents. I had a fantastic holiday back in Asia overall. The anxiety and anticipation I had, none of them happened the way I thought. Don’t get me wrong. It was emotional and surprising, but they went by just like that in seconds that I could no longer recall.

Undeniably, we spend so much time worrying that we forget to enjoy present moment. As I returned to London, I regret for not staying a little longer till Chinese New Year. At least, my little one can experience it too. What could be more meaningful than a prosperous family reunion? Having said that, we can’t always have it our way, work commitment etc. To make the best out of Chinese New Year this year, my partner and I ventured out for exciting activities in London including lion dance and art decoration. We had lamb hotpot for reunion dinner with a few relatives where little one played with her second cousins.

All in all, all went well, and all is well.

Photo by Mick Haupt

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