reading secrets

Reading secrets.

I always thought having a blog is like having a diary where bloggers can just journal about their daily life as favourite pastime. Plus, it seems like many bloggers have started off with journaling as a hobby, grew famous over…
listen to your instinct, nature

Listen to your instinct.

Listen to your instinct. With so much going on these days, having faith in decision making can be challenging. Higher risk decision takes a longer time but sooner or later, we’ll derive at a decision. Nobody wants to suck up…

Nature Capture

“Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.” —- John C. Maxwell

Learning from reflection.

Woke up to a throwback post on my Facebook shared by my brother this morning. It has been seven years since I graduated with an MBA qualification. Honoured to be featured on national newspapers, it was my first personal reflection…
massively forgotten

Massively forgotten.

After months being away from work, I’m beginning to feel pinches of isolation. Weeks prior to maternity, a few colleagues echoed to keep in touch informally whenever possible. Warmth was felt and honestly, it felt good to know there’re people…
can mothers have it all

Can mothers have it all?

Maternity is soon over. With three months left to go, my days have been daunting so far. On one hand, I am so ready to go back to work. On the other, I am anxious on how I can possibly…
the forgotten gratitude

The forgotten gratitude.

Have you been wasting your time on people who don’t deserve your time all these years? Perhaps you have been chasing for a place within a sought-after community or craving for attention that no one cares giving it to you?…
a new beginning

A new beginning.

Happy New Year! Which writer would want to miss writing a post in the first week of new year? A new beginning, many have eminently recapped what 2021 means for them and hoping for a better 2022. 2021, a recovery…