Writing fiasco.

With little devil in my head, these phrases: “you are not good enough“, “no one is going to read your work“, and “maybe you should just stop writing for good” constantly haunt me. So frequent that I really want to quit and shut my blog down. Less of a hassle, I would then be set free from my years of ambition to being a writer. Or shall I say obligation? How my ambition to being a writer gradually comes to a halt and dislike, I have no idea. It’s a writing fiasco I’m dealing with.

I have been procrastinating too much. From fresh to stale thoughts, a few experienced writers advised that capturing thoughts first thing in the morning provides writing inspiration. With writing inspiration comes determination to write. Truth to be told, this piece of advice motivates me. However, I failed to put it into practice. Juggling motherhood life, my first thought in the morning usually vanishes with baby chores. Thoughts trapped for hours and eventually disappear together with writing momentum.

One can tell by my recent reduced pace in writing. One write-up in a month if I’m lucky. Today, I decided to write a few paragraphs concerning thoughts that have been bothering me for months. Maybe by expressing them can overcome my writing fiasco. Perhaps this is one of the many ways to set my mind free. Maybe this could be a way to feel inspired again.

Photo by Thought Catalog

10 thoughts on “Writing fiasco.

    1. Problem is the best way to start, also I am cautious of not to turn it into a complaint ground. It ain’t easy to write a good piece unless thorough thought through. Thanks for your encouragement. !

    1. Ahh thanks for reading my article! We are all so easily stuck in our moments of thought. We will get there, just need to make a habit to pin the thoughts down.

  1. Maybe just release yourself from the pressure of self-imposed expectations. Just write for yourself. Enjoy the process. And don’t worry about who will or won’t read, and what they’ll think. If it strikes a chord with them in some way, good. If not, it’s no reflection on your ability. It just is… Be kind to yourself.

  2. That devil tries to get me every single day. But I want to quiet that guy, and that is why I continue to write.

    Giving up means he wins.

    Interesting thing is, that is all just to defeat myself in a way.

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