Human-fever temperature.

Heatwave started yesterday in the UK. Today is probably the hottest day of the week. One degree to 40, human-fever temperature. This is my third experience going through feverish weather. First was back in 2004 when Adelaide’s summer was at 42 degrees. I cannot imagine how Australia can pull through feverish Christmas end of this year. Second was last year in London when I literally have to sleep in the bathtub. Third is today in London again, indicating that our ecosystem is totally sick of us. The government advised us to stay-in in minimising risks of heatstroke and harmful UV. WTH, I’d get a heat suffocation by staying indoor without air conditioning.

Coming from a tropical country, one would have thought I can survive such high temperature. Maybe growing up in tropical weather made it less of a big deal. Truthfully, the more affordable life in Asia pampers us with air conditioning since the last 2 decades, not even talking about the implication of massive air conditioning usage yet. On top of that, Asia has its own set of problems. From where I come from, it’s 365 days sunny and rainy conditions; we have over-rain, drought, and uncontrolled carbon monoxide emission situations to deal with instead of four seasons dilemma.

Anyway, many choose to stay home today due to heatwave. Avoiding tubes is the main reason. I mean, how can one survive in aged London tubes with such weather? In country like Singapore, people would still go to work. You’re literally exposed to only 10 minutes or less of heat while waiting, walking and connecting public transport. Yes, there is air conditioning from the moment you step into tube stations, doesn’t matter if it’s 3 levels underground. Not to mention super cold temperature in all office buildings, impossible not to bring a jacket along.

All in all, it is difficult for me to survive heatwave in the UK. I hope it only lasts a week. I get agitated, and lost some mood in blogging under sweaty condition at home (even with full fan-blast). Despite that, I made it to the office today. I would rather suffer in taking public transport to enjoy a fully air conditioned office. It’s human-fever temperature at 38 degrees out there now, but I’m wearing a shawl as I blog over lunchtime.

heatwave, temperature
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger

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