Reading secrets.

I always thought having a blog is like having a diary where bloggers can just journal about their daily life as favourite pastime. Plus, it seems like many bloggers have started off with journaling as a hobby, grew famous over time, and branched into specialisation after. I wonder how it’s like at the beginning, from journaling as a personal hobby to being a famous influencer blogger who monetises and endorses all sorts. What’s the initial catch that readers remained curious and stayed loyal (I am referring to bloggers who blog about their life)? Perhaps, people just love reading diaries? Or reading secrets? Not of their own, but others.

Diaries are meant to be personal. If one chooses to publish his or her diary publicly, it’s a form of consent for others to read them too. On the other hand, if others choose to read them, there must be some captivating secrets that are worth reading. The one writing shows no hesitation in sharing too, the more the merrier. Contagious by Jonah Berger mentioned that people are more likely to talk or share about something that is supposed to be secret. Secret apparently is a social currency that are worth trading in social arena.

“People are generally curious. They want to know what’s going on.”

Jeff Barker

The more trading, as in the more sharing, the more valuable the secret becomes. So does everything related to that secret. Eventually, that secret could make a blogger famous too. Perhaps Kim Kardashian reality show series is a good analogy? Anyone could literally see what’s going on in the Kardashian’s family.

I could vividly remember the conversation my colleagues and I had in the office pantry talking about a famous blogger’s life, ie: it all began with her on-going dramatic relationship that led to where she lives, where she goes usually, number of children etc. Not that we were stalking. We didn’t even know the blogger in person. We’re just curious human beings who like peeking and nosing into others life for free. Besides, the blogger wants us to know. The thing is, every content comes with a price. There must be something to give for something to receive, even if it could mean privacy in the first place.

So, shall I ask how many secrets are you willing to share in your diary?

Photo by Dima Pechurin

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