Listen to your instinct.

Listen to your instinct. With so much going on these days, having faith in decision making can be challenging. Higher risk decision takes a longer time but sooner or later, we’ll derive at a decision. Nobody wants to suck up regrets, more time for consideration is better than making silly mistakes. Whether it’s researching or seeking for advices from others, listening to your instinct is not one to be underestimated.

People around us are capable of messing with our head. We could start with a big ‘yes!’ and being talked down to zero. Opinionated family members or relatives are the usual culprits. Sometimes, we seek for advices. Sometimes, we are just sharing our thoughts. But most of the time, people around us mistaken them as permission or approval to do something that their advices become intimidating. Out of respect their voice matter. Worst is when you didn’t ask for permission, just looking for affirmation but ended up feeling guilty over what you intend to do in the first place.

Pointless overthinking, you end up making decision that is not of your own choice or not making decision at all.

There are various perspectives to seeing things. Common sense plays a big part in rationalising our thoughts. Sometimes, we just knew it. There are no right or wrong answers, except every decision made comes with stake or commitment. We just needed some guts to move forward. Alas, there is mr. know it all out there who slows us down. Bear in mind that advices are verbal and talking is cheap. Doing requires guts, efforts, and can be expensive. Considering others’ opinion does not mean we are obliged to follow. Instead, it’s always worth listening and following own instinct.

“If we are to learn to improve the quality of the decisions we make, we need to accept the mysterious nature of our snap judgments.”

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

Besides, who would be a better judge other than ourselves? One circumstance is different to the other that only the decision maker can fully understand and responsible for.

What could be more discouraging than having mr. know it all prompting doubts in our head? Overthinking can become a habit if we allow doubts to invade our mind gradually. We raise so many unnecessary questions to a possibility that it becomes impossibility. Depleting confidence, isn’t it a pity to waste our life worrying over a thousand things instead of letting our instinct to do the job?

listen to your instinct
Photo by chefswifediary

One thought on “Listen to your instinct.

  1. Nice post. I’d also like to add that it’s important to listen to our gut. I once accepted a long-term gig even though my mind was screaming not to. And I thought I was just being a scaredy cat, but then it turned out to be one of the worst jobs ever, so yeah. Should’ve listened to my instincts.

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