meaningful hardship

Meaningful Hardship

Reminiscing my childhood life, grandpa used to cycle 8 miles to his plantation every other day, weekly, carrying his vintage metal canister filled with black coffee on his ancient bicycle. At the plantation, he would cleared up tall grasses, dug…
blog subscribers

Blog subscribers.

So, I have successfully migrated my blog from to after three months. Despite so much effort and time spent in fixing lost information, reviving my blog subscribers is still a massive challenge. Have I mentioned that the ‘likes‘…
reading secrets

Reading secrets.

I always thought having a blog is like having a diary where bloggers can just journal about their daily life as favourite pastime. Plus, it seems like many bloggers have started off with journaling as a hobby, grew famous over…
listen to your instinct, nature

Listen to your instinct.

Listen to your instinct. With so much going on these days, having faith in decision making can be challenging. Higher risk decision takes a longer time but sooner or later, we’ll derive at a decision. Nobody wants to suck up…

Nature Capture

“Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.” —- John C. Maxwell