Stop. Start. Reset.

Stop. Start. Reset. This has been my favourite motto since four months ago. Discovering my new motherhood life has been fascinating.

I couldn’t believe how much my life has changed since the last trimester. Weighed about 13.4 stones, I was pampered with the amount of snacking, napping, and comedies until that one night when my water bag broke. Complicated birth, challenges in breastfeeding, confinement restrictions, sleep deprivation, physical changes, and postpartum depression gradually kicked in right after. With no space left for thinking, this was the moment when I realised that motherhood is not a walk in the park.

How I survive being a new parent?” helped me through every stage. Despite daily overwhelming chores, often there are milestone of surprises worth celebrating. There are bad days as much as good days. Her smiles meant so much that I couldn’t recall the last time when I got mad.

Hard days are forgiven, frustrations are forgotten.

Bringing a human being to this world ain’t easy. It is a once in a lifetime experience. In Asia where I was born, maternity leaves are as short as 3 months. My mother once told me how difficult it was for her to resume working. Sending me to a carer and juggling between motherhood and work, the separation anxiety was unbearable. Having said that, help is easily available back in Asia. I used to think 3 months are too long to be away from work, but my perception has changed today. I appreciate the length of maternity leaves offered in the UK, although it came at a cost of doing everything on my own. Challenging start, I’ve started to cherish every moment spent with my baby girl. Oh my, where did the time go? 3 months is just the beginning.

Happy mommy, happy baby.

I strive to enjoy quality time with my little one. Always trying to stay ahead, ‘feed-play-sleep’ ritual is pretty much automated throughout the day. This is especially strange for someone like me who detests routine. Today, keeping to routine enables me to predict the day. Respecting and appreciating time become more important than ever. Whenever possible, I squeeze in a little me-time here and there. Morning stretch and meditation are key starters for the rest of day. With lean priorities, multitasking can only get better. Mentally and physically ready, I am prepared to give my all to make her happy, even if it includes chaufferring a 17lbs on my shoulders for 3 hour a day.

Whilst it seems like routine has taken over me, it doesn’t mean I’m living in a Stop. Start. Reset rigid life. As much as routine keeps my little one well fed and rested sufficiently, her reduced crankiness has freed my mind to creatively explore play methods.

There is no limit to how much a baby can take from us, both physically and mentally. Nonetheless, we’ll be surprised by how much we can learn from them.

Photo by Dakota Corbin

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