Take it slow.

Traffic, congestion. Time, limited. Pace, accelerated. Feel, frustration. . Overnight, transformation. Time, ampled. Pace, slowered. Feel, relaxation. . Take it slow, life is a journey. Experience it in depth while you can.  Photo by John Forson 

Scent of Magnolias.

It was just three weeks ago I could recall. Trees stood naked by condensated windows. Buds were not existence weeks before. Only brown ranches covered in moss. . . Same spot I passed in this very morning. For a minute…

The book that hooks.

At 24, by chance I joined a local national entrepreneurship competition aired on television. There was neither encouragement nor supporters. People I knew thought I was going to make a fool of myself. I went to the bookstore, bought myself…

Learning the hard way.

“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” – Friedrich Nietzsche. Attributed to the German philosopher, this quote is probably one of the most effective motivational quotes of all time. Not everyone is born with a golden spoon. Perhaps it’s best…

The world we are living in.

Do you know that the chinese characters 先生, Mister came from 先 as in ‘First‘ and 生 as in ‘Born‘: First Born? Whereas 夫人, Madam came from 夫 as in ‘Husband‘ and 人 ‘People‘ (Ben Whately). In other words, ‘people…

Unspoken words.

Pastel cotton candy, scattered beneath our blue roof. Bright light pierced through, with rays mistook for thunder. . . Gloomy, sunny, they both enjoy some honey. En passant, we shine at our best color with no boundary. Compose ourselves with…

Lake Capture

“If I speak of myself in different ways, that is because I look at myself in different ways.” ― Michel de Montaigne. Photo by chefswifediary

We all started from somewhere.

Not everyone is born a genius. Everyone has got to start from somewhere. Although there are many writers who became successful at young age, there are also some who didn’t get famous until they’re in their mid-30s or more. J.K.…

The writer who got famous.

Not everyone is born a genius. Everyone has got to start from somewhere. Although there are many writers who became successful at young age, there are also some who didn’t get famous until they’re in their mid-30s or more. J.K.…

A letter from Red Leaf.

Dear Sunshine,   Despite powerful, you’re calm. You’re an equal provider, for all the livings. Because of you, I’m here. Because of you, people see us. Because of you, the sky boasts beautiful colors. Because of you, we shine back…