Keep writing.

Most would have known that exciting content write-up comes not only from reading and researching but also discovering experiences from both past and present. These learnings gathered made us reflect our thoughts and even expand imaginations towards the future.

Alas, amidst pandemic, most of us had no choice but resorted to home-based activities, which can be dull and experience-limiting. The current norm of having conversations without seeing each other is also capable of putting two-way understanding at risk, which usually could be easily enlightened via usual in-person communication. According to Toastmasters International, research has shown that more than half of all human communication takes place nonverbally. Expression and physical behaviours both play a part in keeping conversations present, real, and lively. Despite online face-to-face interaction in which conditions are mainly pre-set, social experience is halved to the used-to-be.

Envious over continuous travel documentaries aired on TV, wondering when we could experience abroad adventures again is no doubt a luxury pain. There are more than 500 million blogs to date out of 1.7 billion websites in the world, with over 2 million blog posts daily (Hosting Tribunal). How much of these account for travel blogs, we have no idea but can just easily imagined. Surely, the world has lesser boundary compared to ages ago. Travel stories were at its peak just before the pandemic. Take a quick peek into Instagram, travel blogs are abundance with mind-blowing content. Travel enhances imagination, and it enables us to experience surprises that we have not. The more travel adventures, the more we observe and learn, and the more experiences we could write about.

Whilst the above sounds like there is not much we could amplify with the way things are, we could be wrong. Just like reading and researching, discovering experiences is an ongoing process. It is imperative to acknowledge that the social experiences we are experiencing today is not the ultimate one, but we could make them better.

We know that inspiration doesn’t come by very often, not to mention with limited interaction with others and the world, what could we possibly churn out of these in writing? Restricted adventures have pretty much cut half of the interesting stories to be told. At the same time, we wouldn’t want to turn our writing experience into a life-complaining platform. Ie: the conflicting conversations we had and the hassles we have to go through together with the rest of the world.

Despite travel restriction, how about cleverly diverting content domestically, playing up mini adventures at home or fascinating short trips within the country. Moments are what we create of, they can be anywhere.

“The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass is greenest where it is watered.”

Robert Fulghum

Stuck in finding thoughts? We have come thus far in life that is built out of our past and present. Life stories come in episodes. Interesting stories could be sitting in our mind’s archive, waiting to be triggered and told. Limited conversation couldn’t help much. Instead, morning or evening walk is a good option to trigger our mind. Walking heightens our observation. What we see and feel would not be as fun without associating them to our past and present. Advised by a line of experienced writers, inspiration appears mostly during long walks. When you run out of thoughts, take a walk. You will be surprised with the impeccable stories cooked up eventually.

“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Writing is a journey. There is no way we are giving in to mundane lifestyle in penting-up our enthusiasm in writing. It is what and how we make do of current moments in flaring up our work. Keep writing!

Photo by chefswifediary

7 thoughts on “Keep writing.

  1. I totally agree with writing being a fruitful journey. It has sustained me in numerous ways during the past several months while being basically stuck at home. My interactions with people have been drastically reduced, but I am thankful for my morning walks.

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