Sirtfood journey begins.

Lockdown journey has been quite a tricky one. Coming to three months now from #socialdistanding to #stayalert, public is advised to continue working from home and only travel when needed.

Whilst some have learned to multitask, juggled between working and home-caring kids, many have taken the opportunity to learn new skills and explore mini adventures at home. There was a sudden explosion of food related topic especially on Instagram week after week. Before we realise, the scarcity of flour on supermarket shelves has turned many into bakers overnight.

My husband and I did not miss that either. The difference is, he is a professional chef and I’m a happy chef’s wife, guinea-pigging around. Being a chef’s wife, it’s challenging to put concession on yummy food especially when Mr. Chef has put in so much thoughts into every plate.

Alright, honest truth, I am a foodie myself. The continuous food indulging plus staying home without doing much, and not to mention limited moving around between bedroom and living room might have chipped in for my lockdown gain. A wake up call, my ego mind shared the fear of not looking good and the idea of giving away clothes that soon no longer fit after crisis period are bitter esteems to imagine, and definitely not materials for laugh.

Just as I get more and more paranoid over lockdown gain, Adele’s remarkable sirtfood diet story trended over twitter. Mr. Chef was convinced into putting his creative skills to good use, as part of new learning. Somehow, it inspired us to embark on our very first sirtfood journey, together.

Our goal is to get our body back in shape within two weeks, and possibly more if this works.

Stay tuned on our sirtfood journey update. Discover how Mr. Chef makes magic with sirtuins activators, sharing creative recipes of scrumptious home-made sirtfood menu, and making diet food as appetising!

Photo by Mr. Chef for Frames of Life Blog

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