5 tips to manage remote working.

According to Microsoft, Teams has reached 32 million users with recent rise of remote working. Although remote working has always been an alternative, organisations were skeptical towards this approach due to abuse or distrust. Not until recent months when measures in containing the spread of COVID-19 pandemic were elevated. Today, remote working has become more popular than ever.

Although some may enjoy the sense of freedom, it could also be a struggle to stay productive – all down to self-discipline. In this context, those who do not find any joy in their job are excluded.

Honestly, not everyone loves doing nothing.

Corporate has been a part of my life. For the very first time since two weeks, I was advised to start working from home.

I never truly believe in juggling both personal and professional in a home setting.

It’s easy to combine both, but dissecting them eventually will not be a piece of cake. Since remote working is the only option, here is the regime that I have adopted since the past two weeks in staying productive, yet allocating sufficient “me-time” – absolutely no grey line.

Set goals

Remote working is still work, but in a less stressful environment. It is very easy to get carried away if goals are not well established and followed up timely. Work performance needs to be tracked versus goals established. What do we aim to accomplish for the week and by when? The fact that we are going through tough times means that any value-added projects which make sense will be appreciated by key stakeholders. Likewise, neglecting our role will affect them too. Therefore, think and be responsible first and foremost.

Comfortable home-office setting

An excellent connectivity is compulsory for undisrupted video calls and team meetings. Working remotely doesn’t mean working in isolation. Communicating with others is like taking a rest in between and more so, sanity check. Moreover, interaction is cheap. Unknowingly, sometimes interaction leads us to great ideas alongside having fun.

Even though not many home has extra room, having an uncluttered space to work comfortably is essential. Less distraction means more accomplishments. In fact, I find myself getting more done without any distraction or interruption throughout the past two weeks. Efficiency is key to productivity. 

Dress up, not in pyjamas

There is no psychological research needed to prove the relationship between pyjamas, bedroom, and sleep. All reasons why fashion exists to colour our world. Mood for work, holiday, and sleep can be animated with the right attire. Dress up casually at least. Even if it’s not formal, at least it provides us self-awareness and fresh motivation to start the day. Look good, feel good!

Finish on time

Truth is, work is a daily routine, except weekends. Passionators are clever in creating projects within work to keep job engagement alive. It is always important to love what we do. Nevertheless, sparing sufficient time for ourselves, family, and loved ones aside from work will ensure continuous balance in both personal and professional life. We have given our best for the day.  Therefore, finish on time and accept that there is no harm in carrying over what we cannot complete. Enjoy before the next day comes. 

Go to bed on time, wake up on time

Go to bed on time as usual, as how we would have been on weekdays. Not having to commute to work and be on time at office are no excuses for a lay-in. Sufficient sleep is needed so that our body and mind are fully recharged.

Wake up on time. If one is used to alarm clock in the morning, continue using it as part of routine. As the old saying, early bird catches the most worms.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” – Maya Angelou

Signing off, it is imperative to have strong self-discipline with remote working. The last thing we want is to lose touch with our goals and outside world once tough time is over. Who knows, remote working will become part of life permanently in the future. As long as we keep to a proper regime, home-based or office-based working will make no difference to us.

remote working

Photo by Goran Ivos

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