instagram makes me nervous

Instagram makes me nervous. Does it to you?

“Interesting. She’s got a pretty good life. I wish I’ve got this life.”. . (next). “Amazing, I want to do that too, how did he get there?” .. (next). “Lucky her, I wish I could…..” (next). The more I scroll,…

The small enemies.

You try to focus. They distract you. You try to succeed. They give you challenges. You try to overcome. They want to see you fail. In this world, we bound to meet people who do not want to see us…

The Petite Calculation

Feeling inadequate, fear of judgement from others, desperate to win attention, constant need to prove superiority, the need to win, ego addiction …… Can you relate these with any one within your circle of acquaintances? Take a step back to…

Speak with your heart.

We are all curious beings. We want to connect, to learn, to exchange, and to share at the fastest speed. We have not placed much importance on how we derive to information as long as they flow quickly to fulfill…
love me hate me

Love me or hate me.

A competitive world. Add social and political complexities into the equation, we’ll get people who adore us, and people who loathe us. Far-fetching personal and professional goals are strenuous enough. Focus is all we need to get there. Yet, it’s…


I came across this truly inspiring video of Ellen meets Motivational Speaker Jay Shetty this morning, talking about gratitude. I thought this is a pretty good share. We are constantly swamped by pressure others impose on us that we have forgotten the…

Earned not given.

“Respect is earned not given” – one of the most commonly heard saying in leadership journals. Likewise, achievement is well deserved for those who worked hard for it. How many of us still believe in these? Take Margaret Thatcher (1925–2013) for example.…

Getting to know you.

The world is changing. Everyone is crumbling to cope with the pace of change. In particular, being social in the digital world today is seen as a form of necessity. It’s assumed that those who couldn’t keep up, they’ll fall. Those…

Connecting your Past and Future.

Admiring her talented neighbour who played the piano gracefully, she could only imagine herself on the bench someday. Fortunately, her neighbour was then her best friend of same age. Almost every afternoon after school, she would rush home and head…

When you are there..

…,remember how you first started. In appreciation for all mentors who have coached us in every juncture of career. Thank you. Photo by JESHOOTS.COM