One in a million.

Living 18 years under parents supervision (some even more), we are taught there are only few ways in approaching life. Approaches that are safe, proven by the experienced from their experiences, and…nothing could go wrong if we follow the similar recipe.

There is no wrong to this, because parents feel responsible to keep us from unnecessary risks. We can be ambitious but with a boundary. We are expected to oblige.

Assuming no reinvention happens, wouldn’t all our lives be the same?

Because there is no certainty in new thought.

Because there is no back up when expensive mistake occurs.

Because there is no encouragement to try the unknown.

There are so many failed stories and questions thrown at those who are willing to try.

Even the most confident candidate is talked down with fear, overthinking, confidence and passion deterioration, and most of all self-doubt that are capable in destructing any genius idea one can think of.

What works? – The norm, the routine, the checklist. No questions raised for these.

“Obey the principles without being bound by them” – Bruce Lee

No wonder outstanding individuals are just a drop in the ocean.

No wonder self-made individuals are rare.

No wonder leaders are one in a million.

Truth to be told, our background and circumstances influence our lives. Yet, they do not limit us from creatively shaping our future. To breakthrough a circle of contented people, to go against the norm, and to rise differently from the rest require courage and persistence. These include immune to failures, regaining momentum and passion at difficult times and keep trying to succeed. A try is better than none. If there is one to blame for missed opportunities, that would be just us.

It’s clear that there is no easy win to being one in a million.

one in a million

Photo by Will Myers 



2 thoughts on “One in a million.

  1. So true…not in all cases, but many. Parents’ intentions are of course good, but the protective instinct can sometimes go too far.

    I think nowadays it’s even more vital for parents to be open-minded (while still offering their advice gently), given the monumental changes in society, job markets, and the world in general. Perhaps our generations, and those that follow, will get progressively better at understanding this.

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