The Lazy Elixir

If you have come across articles about reducing working hours, promoting flexible working hours, or any initiatives to drive productivity and convenience at work, they are not new news. In fact, some of these initiatives are considered initially to assist women in competing better at workplace, in particular working mothers who return from long maternity leaves. Despite that, why do many organisations are still hesitant in promoting these working culture?

Undeniably, technology has improved our life. Be it mobile phones, remote controls, self-operated vacuum cleaners, conference call systems, or even smooth connectivity for home grocery shopping; these innovations have eased our life. Inevitably, technology has also gradually encouraged our society to becoming complacent and lazy. Not to mention teenagers today who would rather stay indoor and spend time on their electronic gadgets than to experience outdoor activities with friends. Family dinner conversations are no longer as interesting with flipping phone interruption for every two seconds.

Lazy to walk, lazy to talk, lazy to initiate, lazy to connect in person. More and more younger working adults are demanding for work life balance despite 9 to 5 seems to be perfect for our parents over the past decades.

It is not work life balance that the working class is pursuing, it is lesser working hours and higher pay that they are seeking.

No doubt that the society we live in today is becoming more pressurising. It could be driven by external factors, or it could be self-inflicted due to absence of self discipline, divided attention, low determination and curiosity, and most of all, lack of heart and soul in committing at present moments. Because there is no passion, work has no enjoyment but stressful and abhorrence. Can organisations ever achieve productivity by granting more flexibility to employees?

Short-term thinking, quick income, and short-cuts take precedence over learning journey. Surprisingly, it seems there is no urge in polishing knowledge and skills to succeed despite competitive world. What kind of society that we are envisioning to shape?

What is the purpose of living if living purpose is to do nothing?


Photo by Clay Banks 

One thought on “The Lazy Elixir

  1. Maybe also the point is, with the youth of today, they are leaving huge gaps for the ones that aren’t lazy to succeed..

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