I miss him.

I woke up this morning, crawled my left hand to the left side of the bed, to feel if he’s there. “Not there. Isn’t it Sunday yet?” I must be dreaming. As usual, he’s up earlier than me. I got up, put on my bedroom slippers and pair of glasses, switched off the standing fan, and was about to head straight to the living room when I took a quick glance at our bedroom, and thought to myself, “Empty. I’ll miss him today.”

Cheers …to another Saturday that I am learning to appreciate, doing things that interest me, and keeping me productive and occupied. I am the most lucky lady on earth. On top of the luxury of ‘me’ time that every married woman wanted,  I am loved …by the most wonderful husband in the world.

At this juncture of life, one would have expected to maximise a couple’s life time. Dating, lunching with loved ones, enjoying laughter and the comfort of having someone around. At least, someone who appreciates the basics and simplicity in life would. Someone like me.

To love…and be loved.

We both live in a foreign land, with purposes for better earning, for better quality of life, and for a better future. For these reasons, we work twice harder than anybody else. We save thrice more than we spend. More so, he works harder than me given his occupation, harder than any friends I knew. For us. It’s hard to get used to at the beginning. It took me up to a year to adjust with on and off frustrations of seeing less of him and more of learning to being an independent woman.

From being a pity cat to embracing facts of life. 

For lesser time we earn for each other, we appreciate every minute we could find. A call is more expensive than usual. Breakfast catch-up is more important than a fancy dinner. Tuesday lunch is special compared to other days, because it’s an off day for him. Savings mean more as quality getaway is what we both aiming for, instead of fancy dresses and expensive things. Little dances at night fulfil laughters of the week. If we quarrel out of wrongs we did, we try to make it short, and fix it – just because we have no time to waste for immature behaviours. Forgiveness and constant reminder of why we both chose to be together, to be here. From a one-way roller-coaster ride to a two-way compromising road, I learned the true definition of a meaningful relationship.

A beautiful bedroom without him is meaningless. It’s hard to bear, but I learned, and still is.

I miss him, every single day. Even when he’s just around the corner. 

The Love Birds, iPad Pencil Sketching by Jen Eu Allen

Every love story is beautiful. But ours is my favourite, because it’s a special one.

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